Saturday, November 29, 2014

Odd Advertising in Movies

Advertisers now are having a harder time persuading us to get our attention and buy their product. Its getting harder and harder to push through the clutter they've already established. They're now advertising to us with the use of odd advertising. Advertisers use odd advertising in place of typical methods of billboards and commercials. A way they use odd advertising is product placement, where a company displays their brand or product in a movie or show.
Over the break I recently watched 22 Jump Street. While watching the film I noticed the notorious use of product placement by multiple companies in the scenes. One major brand that was continually seen was Sony. All the technology and devices showed were Sony Xperia devices (phones and tablets) as well as Sony/Vaio computers. When panned in on characters texting or in class they would picture them using Sony devices with the Sony brand facing out towards viewers.
Along with Sony several other brands were portrayed, just as how Sony showed their products being used, Nike as well did this. Instead of showing viewers the typical commercial, Nike instead displayed their clothes and shoes being worned by the stars. When the shot would pan in, focusing in on when stars would speak they'd show the Nike brand zoomed in on. Also whenever characters would be on the run or sitting down, the camera would seeminly make emphasize on showing the brand outfacing so people can see it. During the times when they had Channing Tatum playing football, or anything involving football, the Underarmour brand continually popped up. When scenes involving football appeared the Underamour brand would appear on the uniforms, socks, shoes and such apparel. After watching the entire movie it appeared to me that the movie was more of an advertising scheme then film. It seemed like every shot had some type of company advertising in it, ranging from the use of a Sony phone, Nike shoes worn, and Dorritos eaten. It served as a great example of companies using the odd advertising technique of product placement. They transformed this comedic film into a prolonged advertising clip.

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