Sunday, December 21, 2014

Merchants of Cool- Midriff

In Merchants of Cool they identified a culture symbol being the female culture icon as the midriff. The midriff is the culture icon of the female audience, advertisers targeted during the the late 90's. The midriff targets young women, primarily teenagers that are prematurely adult and want to use their bodies. They are premature in the case of dressing and acting more sexually. In the video they depict Britney Spears as the figure icon of the midriff.

Even though the video was produced over 10 years ago, the "midriff" figure is still prominent within our culture today. Now it is no longer Britney Spears but people like Miley Cyrus or Kim Kardashian that have taken the position regarded as the midriff. They represent teenage girls and their positions of increasingly more prominent sexually outwardly. Figures of the midriff appeal to the teenage girl market because girls then want to be like these women they see as popular figures of culture.  

As long as there is a market for teenage girls to buy product and be influenced by popular culture icons like Miley Cyrus and Britney Spears, there will always be a midriff icon. The midriff isn't just represented by a celebrity figure in a time period, but as recurring figure in each culture of teens. SO just as Britney Spears was the midriff in the 90's, Miley Cyrus now, then in 10 years or less some other prominent sexual women will be next.


  1. I agree that the midriff has evolved along with society and taken on new forms within modern media. The women who used to be idolized ten years ago have taken a backseat to the new, overly sexual icons that have emerged with time. There is obviously a large market surrounding these midriff characters, but I think that as girls mature they begin to realize what is being sold to them and some may avoid it completely. Of course that is not the case for everyone and there are evident influences on the girls within our society. Overall, I agree with your post and the idea that the midriff is a recurring theme within the media.

  2. I agree that there are still midriffs are still around today. There are some girls that wear some very exposing clothing at a very young age. WHY would they make booty shorts for kids. One of the many many examples of the influence of midriffs.
