Thursday, January 8, 2015

Gender Inequality in Media

After watching the documentary Miss Representation, it dawned on me that women in media are so under represented properly and when represented are in a completely sexist way. In the video they showed us that when women are represented in media, they are depicted as a sexual objects, completely dependent on the way they look. I never realized that women were depicted that way, that they are never depicted as equals in media but as second to men.

Even though I did recognize that women were depicted as sexual objects in media, I always thought that they were that way because of themselves. But after watching Miss Representation, it occurred to me that they are sexual in their way because they have to to get the male viewership attention. But as along as they continue to depict women as the sexual appealing "eye candy," they will continue to be dehumanized by the public as unequal people. It makes other women worry about nothing else but their looks. They then get the impression that the only way to get attention of others is through their beauty and body. 

It isn't simply because women are sexual objects in their nature, but show themselves in such a way so the media they're on will be more appealing to the large male audience. Even though the point of the producing studios is to get as much viewership and money made, they are leaving a larger impact then they realize. By them displaying women in the way they do so, as sexual objects, they are disempowering the voice of women and the power they hold. 


  1. I knew that women were misrepresented in films to attract males but I didn't know how much of an impact that would give off upon females. Because females see that males give attention to sexual behavior, this makes them want to act sexually. Now, females are more likely to believe that they must be sexual in order to gain attention. Women need to realize that they don't need to lose something in order to gain something. They don't need to demoralize themselves or make themselves appear less than what they are in order to get what they want.

  2. I feel the media needs to realize what they're saying whenever they queue up a woman for an acting role. Most of the time, especially because of a male director, they are, like you said, trying to get more views from the male audience. And this then has a detrimental effect on women, as then they see that there are these perfect women who can get any guy they want only with their bodies and could implant the idea that, if you have a perfect body, you'll achieve love.

  3. The media truly is making women portrayed as second to man. It makes me sad to think that. I agree about the men controlling the media and because of this they will never be able really show what women truly are. We are just seeing women through some man perspective and sadly women are starting to follow it. Hopefully women will be able to realize that they are second to man and that they can be independent.
