Saturday, December 6, 2014

Print Ads- Niello

In print media today companies and advertisers use a large variety of techniques to get our attention for their products. They tap into our inner, primal needs as people, like the need for prominence, a need for luxury and to be of a high class. And they appeal to us with luring incentives for our motives to buy their product. In an ad I found recently, in Sacramento Magazine, I discovered such an ad.

The print ad I found was advertising Niello, a car dealership company that sells a large variety of cars. All of which considered as foreign and luxury cars to us. They represent brands such BMW, Porsche, Maserati and several others. When we tend to think of such brands we automatically think of high class individuals and luxury. But according to the ad, Niello is having a sale at all of its dealerships, giving people an opportunity to buy such luxury cars. They're offering 0% APR financing to those buying their cars. This incentive is a common advertising technique, recognized as Bribery. By offering 0% APR financing they are offering people something desirable, something extra in return for buying their car. As humans we're greedy so we see this opportunity, and if we have the resources we want to take the deal, to get that bonus of 0% APR.

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Along with using Bribery to motivate ourselves to buy their car, they also appeal to our Need for Prominence. This need is our inner desire to be admired, looked upped to by others, to be seen as a figure of high social status. All of Niello's dealerships sell luxury cars, they want to buy their car because if we do we'll be seen as a wealthy figure. Think of the difference people would see you as if you came driving in a BMW compared to driving in regular car you have now (no offense). By having a luxury car you'll be looked up upon by others, making yourself feel good and better than others to an extent. This is what Niello is trying to tap into, they want you to buy one of their cars with the motive that you'll feel more prominent than others. It's a smart move by them  to use such incentives to attract people to their dealerships to buy their cars. 

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